Subiaco Chiropractic is a family and paediatric orientated health space that welcomes family members of all ages, offering paediatric, pregnancy and family chiropractic.
As a family oriented health space Subiaco Chiropractic loves to nurture expectant mothers through their preconception phases, pregnancies and births. With a passion for continuing to nurture children as they navigate life, delighting in being a part of a family’s transition.
Increasing postural strain, shifting weight distributions, changes in pregnancy hormones and fatigue can leave the expectant mothers spine, pelvis and nervous system vulnerable. This may lead to increased pain and further dysfunction. Biomechanical and neurological function not only effects the health and wellbeing of the mother but also has the potential to effect the unborn baby, birthing and recovery process.
One study found that 85% of Pregnant Women Get Back Pain Relief with Chiropractic [1]
The team at Subiaco Chiropractic have years of experience and training in specific, gentle pregnancy (ie. Websters) and paediatric techniques; modifying techniques to accommodated developing spines and nervous systems.
At Subiaco Chiropractic our Chiropractors utilise specific pregnancy pillows (WellAdjusted, Belly Pillow) to allow for superior comfort and support.
“The key to thriving adults is to nourish and nurture our children, from above down, inside out.” - Dr. Grace Kalamaras
Common reasons families seek Chiropractic care for their babies & children:
Colic (The irritable infant)
Restricted range of movement and/or mobility
Head shape deformities (plagiocephaly)
Latching and Feeding
Delayed milestones (ie: Rolling, Crawling, Walking)
Encourage optimal spinal posture
[1] Peterson CK, Mühlemann D, Humphreys BK. Outcomes of pregnant patients with low back pain undergoing chiropractic treatment: a prospective cohort study with short term, medium term and 1 year follow-up. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies 2014;22(1):15.